
Deconstructivist design collides with engaging writing, in a fanzine format. A designers playground.

  • Novation
  • 2015 - 2020
The Team
  • Simon Peacock – Creative Director
  • Ben Bates – Lead designer
  • Christien Michaels – Lead designer
  • Alex Wood – Lead designer
  • Chris Mayes-Wright – Words

The project

Ever since my finishing my degree in typography I became fascinated by the idea of deconstructivist design, the freedom of breaking the rules but doing it for the right reasons really appealed. The fact it looked amazing too helped. We had built a new Novation brand ID around the idea of deconstructivism, it was refined because if you’re too ‘out there’ nobody will have a clue what you’re trying to say. But that desire to have something, something that really played in to the full-on deconstructivist landscape burnt strong. I knew we had the words taken care of but there wasn’t a format outside of our web pages for it to exist, budgets were tight so I wasn’t going to get money to do huge global print runs, and it occurred to me, photocopied fanzines. The format was perfect, the cost was minimal; we just needed a name.


The Found Sound Guide

A comprehensive guide for anyone looking to find, record and manipulate sounds.


The Global News Edition

A curated roundup of all the latest articles from the continents.


The Hackers Guide

Unscrew it, solder it, rewrite the code, pull it about. A guide for anyone who likes to go ‘under the hood’.

"Grids and structure are essential but so is the ability to move outside of those restrictions and create something that makes people digest the information in a new way."